The Problem
We were asked to provide web development for Step One Homes with two main requirements. First, that it would integrate with their in-house marketing platform, Marketo, so they could capitalise on their marketing strategy of being able to track all facets of visitors behaviour. Second, complete control and autonomy over their content so everything can be managed in-house.
Our Solution
We developed a custom Drupal module that utilises the Marketo API so they can easily track all visitor behaviour on the website. This allows their marketing and sales team to effectively assign leads to the correct person. It also allows the site to differentiate between anonymous and known leads, and react to that accordingly.
Using Drupal 8, we also built a simple to use backend so they can manage everything themselves. We took the supplied visuals and built a Drupal theme that is rich in interaction at all screen sizes. We have configured the site to make everything simple for their content management team. Single sources for home designs that can be used elsewhere on the site without duplicate content. Point and click relationships between different content types. Everything about the content on the site is editable without our involvement.